Wall Street has convinced you to BUY shares of stock in the markets THEY control. But now, it’s your turn to use their own strategies for YOUR OWN gain!

Click Here To Claim Your FREE Book & Bonuses Today!

Trusted by*

Jon & Pete are professional traders. Their results are not typical. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Background, education, and experience all play factors. Your results may vary.

Because, with the right strategy, options returns vs stock returns can’t even compare!

IT'S NOT AN OPTION is a $29.95 Retail Value. All we ask is that you cover the very reasonable shipping cost of $9.95.
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Learning To Benefit From Them Is No Longer An Option... 

Many Americans, are fed up with seeing every single dollar you’ve ever put away for retirement… Every last penny… Get crushed by brash economic decisions of recent years. 

Media outlets refuse to place the blame. They refuse to discuss it on live television. And they refuse to show you the way out.

But we will no longer be silenced!

Claim Your Free Book & Bonuses Today!

IT'S NOT AN OPTION is a $29.95 Retail Value. All we ask is that you cover the very reasonable shipping cost of $9.95. (Strictly Limited to One Per Household)

Many Americans, are fed up with seeing every single dollar you’ve ever put away for retirement… Every last penny… Get crushed by brash economic decisions of recent years. 

Media outlets refuse to place the blame. They refuse to discuss it on live television. And they refuse to show you the way out.

But we will no longer be silenced!

That’s Why We Had To Write THIS Book...

So we could tell you the truth about why more and more Americans are turning away from the traditional path of investing in the market…

And using options as a way to have greater control of your money in the market and secure BETTER returns for a more comfortable future.

After the 2020 Pandemic TANKED the economy to the bottom of the ocean floor, more Americans began to see the upsides to trading options.


Combined Years
of Options Trading Experience


of Options Trading Platform eTrade Bought for Over $700 Million


Options Students and Counting Since 2017!

For decades we’ve traded options and rallied behind Americans to do the same as a smarter alternative to buying stocks and holding on for dear life. 

And since 2017, our trading education has helped over 300,000 investors discover the performance benefits that options bring to the table. 

We’ve seen people like policemen and women, dentists, lawyers, professional poker players… 

And even people that were managers at McDonalds… 

Go from their old careers to using options to become wildly successful options traders using the same strategies inside this book. 

In, It’s NOT An Option, you’ll see why we believe options trading can pave the same road for YOU so you can start living the life you were intended to have.

 You’ll finally learn the truth about options trading…

 Why options are not as complicated as they appear…

And why so many of the wealthiest 1% of Americans continually leverage them to expand their financial empires. 

Simply put, if you’re not already using the flexibility and performance that options provide, your money could be stuck in underperforming stocks for years to come!

That’s why…

We Wrote This Book To Help Investors Use Options By Managing Risk And Gaining An Edge In The Post-Covid World

In our newest book, you’ll see…

© Copyright Najarian Education. All Rights Reserved.

Privacy Policy           Cancellation Policy            Terms & Conditions

Jon & Pete Najarian's results are not typical and are not a guarantee of your success. Jon & Pete are experienced investors, and your results will vary depending on education, work experience, and background. Jon & Pete do not personally participate in every investment alert they provide. Due to the sensitivity of financial information, we do not know or track the typical results of our students. Jon & Pete’s strategies may not always be accurate, and their investments may not always be profitable. They could result in a loss of an entire investment. We cannot guarantee that you will make money or that you will be successful if you employ their trading strategies specifically or generally. Consequently, your results may significantly vary from theirs. We do not give investment advice, tax advice, or other professional advice. Reference to specific securities should not be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold that security. Specific securities are mentioned for informational purposes only.

All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, investment strategy, or individual’s investment does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.

* It's Not An Option and Najarian Education are not endorsed by or affiliated with CNBC, Fox News, or Fox Business. Halftime Report™ and Fast Money™ are properties of CNBC.

It All Starts TODAY!

Get Your Free Copy of It’s NOT An Option NOW
With Instant Access To 3 Priceless Bonuses.

Free physical copy of It’s NOT An Option (valued at $29.95)
Free invitation to our LIVE Options Training Event (Bonus #1)
Free access to our Video Training "Will The Fed Drive Us Into A Recession?" (Bonus #2)
Free Instant access to the digital version of It’s NOT An Option so you can start reading minutes from now (Bonus #3)

Why options give investors a greater control of risk than with buying stocks alone. (on page 8)

Why Warren Buffett, who said, “Derivatives are weapons of mass destruction,” is also one of the biggest sellers of options (on page 16)

How options can provide you with “insurance” so you could AVOID catastrophic losses. This is how Wall Street wins in bearish markets all the time. (on page 22)

The reason why almost any stock trader can INSTANTLY become better at options (on page 83)

How to profit from options when stocks move in any direction – up, down, or sideways.  (on page 201)

Get Your Free Copy of It’s NOT An Option NOW With Instant Access To 3 Priceless Bonuses.

Free physical copy of It’s NOT An Option (valued at $29.95)
Free invitation to our 
LIVE Options Training Event (Bonus #1)
Free access to our Video Training "Will The Fed Drive Us Into A Recession?" (Bonus #2)
Free Instant access to the 
digital version of It’s NOT An Option so you can start reading minutes from now (Bonus #3)

Claim Your Free Book & Bonuses Today

All Yours Today FREE

All we ask is that you cover the very reasonable shipping cost of $9.95.
(Strictly Limited to One Per Household)

It’s no secret that Washington has sent BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars overseas all while ignoring the economy here at home.

In the past few years, markets have lost trillions in value, inflation has hit record highs, and climbing interest rates have made it nearly impossible for millions of families to afford a home…

Even the Treasury Department recently stated,

Over $30 Trillion LOST In 2022

“Relative to pre-pandemic trends, economic output continues to fall short.”

In other words…

The recovery they promised us was nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

And with inflation topping out at a whopping +8.5% in 2022…

…the highest it’s been in 20 years…

What’s the point of investing in stocks when your returns are nearly WIPED out by climbing interest rates and inflation?

So if you’re investing the traditional “Buy & Hold” way, unless you’re lucky, your financial future will continue to pay the ultimate price.

And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

That’s why buying and holding stocks is no longer safe…

It’s no longer a viable approach to building wealth…

That’s precisely why more and more Americans are now turning to options as a way to generate higher percentage returns in LESS TIME than it would take to wait for the stock to rise on its own!

It’s how over $5 TRILLION DOLLARS in wealth is managed by American hedge funds…

And it’s how YOU CAN START discovering options today with your very own copy of our latest book!

And It’s No Longer an Option!

We get it.  Far too many folks still see options as risky, complicated, and expensive – and reserved only for the elite.

That’s why you might see options as “betting.”

And you might think that options are purely based on speculation and prone to massive downside risks.

But it couldn’t be further from the truth! Because when you buy shares of stock in hopes that the price will go up…

At that point, you ARE gambling… Because you have ZERO control of how a stock moves!

“Isn’t Trading Options Like Gambling?”

Looking at the examples below, you can see just how much profit these option trades generated compared to just buying the stock in the same time frame:

What’s better? A 15-day, +217.07% return on Shopify with options… or a -14.66% LOSS in the same stock buying the security?

However, options give you the flexibility and performance upsides to capture EXPLOSIVE returns if a stock goes up or down!

Get Your Free Copy of It’s NOT An Option NOW With Instant Access To 3 Priceless Bonuses.

In Today’s Market, Options Trading is
NO LONGER an Option - It’s a Necessity!

Claim Your Free Book & Bonuses Today

All we ask is that you cover the very reasonable shipping cost of $9.95. (Strictly Limited to One Per Household)

Jon & Pete are professional traders. Their results are not typical. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Background, education, and experience all play factors. Your results may vary.

Would you rather capture a whopping triple-digit +225.38% gain on Marathon in a single DAY, or a +35.49% return at the same time?

Jon & Pete are professional traders. Their results are not typical. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Background, education, and experience all play factors. Your results may vary.

Would you rather scoop up a +17.82% surge in one-day run on Pinterest or a gigantic +255.56% win on it with an options trade?

Jon & Pete are professional traders. Their results are not typical. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Background, education, and experience all play factors. Your results may vary.

And what about this…

242.61% win on Trading Desk Inc (TTD) in 22 days using options or an -18.27% LOSS in the same stock?

Jon & Pete are professional traders. Their results are not typical. Past performance is not an indication of future results. Background, education, and experience all play factors. Your results may vary.

As you can see, with the right option strategy on the same stock, in the same time frame, the results are as clear as day.

That’s why…

Free physical copy of It’s NOT An Option (valued at $29.95)
 invitation to our LIVE Options Training Event (Bonus #1)

Claim Your Free Book & Bonuses Today

All we ask is that you cover the very reasonable shipping cost of $9.95.
(Strictly Limited to One Per Household)

Maybe you’re someone who still thinks options are too risky and you’d rather wait for the market to go straight up before you buy another stock…

Or maybe you’re someone who believes they’re better off settling for the S&P 500’s average 7.5% annual returns…

Or maybe you are someone who sees options as a way out of the stock market rat race, but you’d rather just try to learn options on your own, read countless online blogs, join countless “coaching” programs, and watch thousands of hours of free Youtube videos…

You could do that. Heck, if you had another 30 years, maybe you could start all over again. 

But we all know… That’s not an option. Not anymore.

That’s why we’re offering you our newest book, It’s NOT An Option, FOR FREE while supplies last (plus included BONUSES) so you can start discovering the vast opportunities that options can provide and help you pave a faster road towards a more comfortable future!

So, What Will It Be?

With greater cost efficiency options allow you to keep more of your hard earned cash on hand while enjoying the exponential profit potential that options provide…

And they can provide you with an increased level of security by allowing you to control your risk...

Securities, on the Other Hand, Don’t Come Anywhere Close!

Options Open the Door to Deliver You
Higher Percentage Returns...

That's Why...

In fact, buying shares of a stock involves way more risk…

Because you can’t predict the movement of a stock, not when Wall Street manipulates 1,000s of stocks every day with algorithms. 

You can’t control when bad news knocks you out of a long-term stock position, forcing you to sell or hold your breath and wait for recovery. 

When the price of stocks rise, you only make a fraction of what you could with options. 

And when the price of the stock drops, there’s no way to stop the bleeding unless you sell and take a loss...

And Our Newest Book It's Not an Option
Will Show You How to Get in on the Current Action...

We're Pete & Jon Najarian.

You might know us from...

Became a full-time options trader after several seasons in NFL

Recognized as one of the Top 100 traders by Trader Month

Co-Founder of Market Rebellion

40+ years experience in financial markets

25 year career as a floor trader on Wall Street

Member of the CBOE, NYSE, CME, and CBOT

We’re so confident that once you place your order and have this book in your hands in a few days, and start applying the concepts and strategies inside, and diving into the BONUS training videos included with your free copy of It’s NOT An Option…


Not only will you be ready to join the thousands of other Americans already taking advantage of the leverage and control that options allow you to have…

You’ll be equipped to win in ANY market environment! But if you don’t see how our book, and included bonuses, can help you succeed with options trading…

Let us know within 30 days and we’ll
give you your money back and
you can keep the book (and bonuses)

We 100% guarantee that you’ll LOVE our newest book, or we’ll refund your shipping costs and you can keep the book and bonuses on the house. 

That’s right.  You don’t have to send anything back! 

All you have to do is email our team at support@itsnotanoption.com and we’ll cover your shipping costs – no questions asked!

Free access to our Video Training "Will The Fed Drive Us Into A Recession?" (Bonus #2)
Instant access to the digital version of It’s NOT An Option so you can start reading minutes from now (Bonus #3)

All Yours Today FREE





Learn How To Benefit From Options Today... 

Learn How To Benifit From Options... Claim Your Free Book & Bonuses Today!Claim Your Free Book & Bonuses

Learning To Benefit From Them Is No Longer An Option... 

That’s Why We Had To
Write THIS Book...

Options Open the Door to Deliver You
Higher Percentage Returns...

With greater cost efficiency options allow you to keep more of your hard earned cash on hand while enjoying the exponential profit potential that options provide…

And they can provide you with an increased level of security by allowing you to control your risk...

Securities, on the Other Hand, Don’t Come Anywhere Close!

And Our Newest Book
It's Not an Option
Will Show You How to Get in on the Current Action...

For decades we’ve traded options and rallied behind Americans to do the same as a smarter alternative to buying stocks and holding on for dear life. 

And since 2017, our trading education has helped over 300,000 investors discover the performance benefits that options bring to the table. 

We’ve seen people like policemen and women, dentists, lawyers, professional poker players… 

And even people that were managers at McDonalds… 

Go from their old careers to using options to become wildly successful options traders using the same strategies inside this book.

We Wrote This Book To
Help Investors Use Options
By Managing Risk And Gaining An Edge In The Post-Covid World

Why options give investors a greater control of risk than with buying stocks alone. (on page 8)

Why Warren Buffett, who said, “Derivatives are weapons of mass destruction,” is also one of the biggest sellers of options (on page 16)

How options can provide you with “insurance” so you could AVOID catastrophic losses. This is how Wall Street wins in bearish markets all the time. (on page 22)

The reason why almost any stock trader can INSTANTLY become better at options (on page 83)

How to profit from options when stocks move in any direction – up, down, or sideways.  (on page 201)

Get Your Free Copy of It’s NOT An Option NOW With Instant Access To 3 Priceless Bonuses.

Free physical copy of It’s NOT An Option ($29.95)
Free invitation to our 
LIVE Options Training Event (Bonus 1)
Free Video Training "Will The Fed Drive Us Into A Recession?" (Bonus 2)
Free Instant access to the 
digital version of It’s NOT An Option so you can start reading minutes from now (Bonus 3)

And That's Why It's
No Longer an Option!

“Isn’t Trading Options Like Gambling?”

In other words…

The recovery they promised us was nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

And with inflation topping out at a whopping +8.5% in 2022…

…the highest it’s been in 20 years…

What’s the point of investing in stocks when your returns are nearly WIPED out by climbing interest rates and inflation?

So if you’re investing the traditional “Buy & Hold” way, unless you’re lucky, your financial future will continue to pay the ultimate price.

And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

That’s why buying and holding stocks is no longer safe…

It’s no longer a viable approach to building wealth…

In Today’s Market, Options Trading is NO LONGER an Option - It’s a Necessity!

Free physical copy of It’s NOT An Option ($29.95)
invitation to our LIVE Options Training Event (Bonus 1)
Free Video Training "Will The Fed Drive Us Into A Recession?" (Bonus 2)
Free Instant access to the 
digital version of It’s NOT An Option
you can start reading minutes from now (Bonus 3)

Get Your Free Copy of It’s NOT An Option NOW With Instant Access To 3 Priceless Bonuses.

All Yours Today FREE

We’re so confident that once you place your order and have this book in your hands in a few days, and start applying the concepts and strategies inside, and diving into the BONUS training videos included with your free copy of It’s NOT An Option…

You’ll be equipped to win in ANY market environment! But if you don’t see how our book, and included bonuses, can help you succeed with options trading…

Let us know within 30 days and we’ll give you your money back and you can keep the book (and bonuses)

Not only will you be ready to join the thousands of other Americans already taking advantage of the leverage and control that options allow you to have…

We 100% guarantee that you’ll LOVE our newest book, or we’ll refund your shipping costs and you can keep the book and bonuses on the house. 

That’s right.  You don’t have to send anything back! 

All you have to do is email our team at support@itsnotanoption.com and we’ll cover your shipping costs – no questions asked!

Maybe you’re someone who still thinks options are too risky and you’d rather wait for the market to go straight up before you buy another stock…

Or maybe you’re someone who believes they’re better off settling for the S&P 500’s average 7.5% annual returns…

Or maybe you are someone who sees options as a way out of the stock market rat race, but you’d rather just try to learn options on your own, read countless online blogs, join countless “coaching” programs, and watch thousands of hours of free Youtube videos…

You could do that. Heck, if you had another 30 years, maybe you could start all over again. 

But we all know… That’s not an option. Not anymore. 

That’s why we’re offering you our newest book, It’s NOT An Option, FOR FREE while supplies last (plus included BONUSES) so you can start discovering the vast opportunities that options can provide and help you pave a faster road towards a more comfortable future!

Get Your Free Copy of It’s NOT An Option NOW With Instant Access To 3 Priceless Bonuses.

Free physical copy of It’s NOT An Option ($29.95)
invitation to our LIVE Options Training Event (Bonus 1)
Free Video Training "Will The Fed Drive Us Into A Recession?" (Bonus 2)
Instant access to the 
digital version of It’s NOT An Option
 so you can start reading minutes from now (Bonus 3)

Total Value $143.95      Yours Today FREE

That’s Why We Had To
Write THIS Book...

And Our Newest Book

It's Not an Option
Will Show You How to Get in on the Current Action...

As you can see, with the right option strategy on the same stock, in the same time frame, the results are as clear as day.

That’s why…

Pete Najarian

Jon Najarian

Questions? We're here to help! Simply reach out to our team.



It's Not An Option 351 W Washington St, Kearney, MO 64060 USA
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